Saturday, January 17, 2009

Results of the Academic Senate of Quarter to Semester Advisory Vote and its Consequences

On January 13, 2008, at approximately 1:30 pm, the Academic Senate announced the final results of the advisory vote to the President on whether or not to proceed with the preliminary planning of a possible conversion to a semester system. The Senate voted in an overwhelming 30-17 in favor of proceeding with the said planning. Please note that ASI, the official voice of the student body at CSULA, has officially taken a stance against this conversion and each student representative that voted within the Academic Senate voted against the preliminary planning. 

My personal opinion on this matter is that it will take a mobilization of students to protest this decision in order to show how vested the student interest is in this matter. If this does not occur, the decision will indeed stand and the consequences will be that the student voice will be, again, diminished. I am not advocating for a revolution. I am not advocating for a complete overhaul of the system. Instead, I am asking you, as students of CSULA, to voice your opinions to myself and to your other representatives within ASI to make this a priority issue. ASI is BY the students and FOR the students. Let us not forget that. 

If you are willing to mobilize and advocate for change, please by all means, let me know. The time has come for the CSULA student body to show with our masses that WE are the driving force of this University. It is time for us to show that the STUDENTS are the living spirit and life blood of the campus life here at CSULA.

Let's make our stand. Not a month from now... not even a few weeks from now... but NOW!

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