Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Cal Grants, CSU grants expanded to offset State University Fee increases for recipients (Campus-wide Announcement)

The California State University has received new information regarding increased Cal Grant eligibility for CSU students. This is welcome news for Cal State L.A. students who are eligible for Cal Grants.

With CSU students facing a fee increase of $978 – or 30 percent – the California Student Aid Commission has announced that Cal Grant fee awards will be increased to cover the additional fees. Approximately 16 percent of the more than 400,000 students enrolled among the 23 CSU campuses receive a Cal Grant.

Also, the roughly 109,000 students who receive the CSU State University Grant will receive dollar-for-dollar fee offsets for 2009-10. Federal Pell Grant recipients will receive an increase of $619, and federal higher education tax credits will continue to help families cover expenses other than the State University Fee.

For the 2009-2010 academic year, the annual undergraduate State University Fee is $4,026. Additional fees, which vary slightly by campus, total roughly $800. The CSU Board of Trustees increased the State University Fee to help the CSU manage a $584 million budget deficit caused by the state’s economic crisis. The CSU will also be implementing furloughs to reduce salary costs 10 percent, reducing enrollment, and taking other measures to address the deficit.

After factoring in all available sources of financial aid, CSU students from families making $75,000 or less pay no fees. Many other students, including those from families making up to $180,000, will qualify for financial aid and tax credits.

Helpful links:

Cal Grants: http://www.calgrants.org/

CSU Budget Central: http://blogs.calstate.edu/budgetcentral/

Cal State L.A. Student Financial Aid: http://www.calstatela.edu/univ/finaid/